As part of our new theme of animals, one of our learning activities this week was to discover nocturnal and diurnal animals.
Pupils were invited to ask themselves why nocturnal animals live at night and, above all, to understand the advantages of living at night. They will also be asked why diurnal animals live during the day.

To find out

Daytime animals are those that are active during the day, when the sun shines high in the sky. They like to play, look for food and explore their environment when daylight surrounds them.
Nocturnal animals, on the other hand, are more active at night. They like to go out and venture in search of food when the glow of the moon and stars lights up the sky.

Nocturnal animals


Butterflies are beautiful, colourful creatures that like to fly around flowers during the day. They are attracted by the bright, sweet colours of the flowers, and can be seen dancing happily in the sunshine.


Rabbits are soft, fluffy little animals. They love to nibble grass and play hide-and-seek in the fields in broad daylight. Rabbits are very active during the day.


They are joyful singers who fill the sky with melody. Birds such as blackbirds and sparrows like to peck seeds and build nests in trees during the day.

Diurnal animals


Owls are nocturnal birds that like to come out at night. With their big, bright eyes, they can see in the dark and catch mice for dinner. Owls are nightwatchers.


Hedgehogs are small animals covered in prickles, and they like to come out at night to look for food. They are very cute and make funny little noises as they walk.


Fireflies are magical insects that turn on their own light at night. They dance gently in the darkness, creating a sparkling glow. Fireflies make the night even more special.




We now have a better idea of the lives of daytime and nocturnal animals. Each has its own favourite time to explore and play.


By Caroline M.