Embarking on a journey where primary school students not only choose their presentation topics but also create 3D objects within their French language acquisition class is a testament to the power of student action. This article explores the captivating experience of young minds navigating language, creativity and personal organisation.

In the dynamic world of primary education, encouraging pupil autonomy is a beacon that guides young minds towards a richer, more interactive learning experience. Imagine a French learning class where pupils not only chose their own presentation topics, but brought them to life using 3D objects. The journey was not without its challenges, but it was in overcoming these obstacles that the real magic of learning unfolded.

Giving primary school pupils the freedom to choose their own presentation topics has created a real passion for the French language. Whether it’s dissecting the characteristics of aeroplanes or exploring the magic of pastry-making, these young minds have been given the opportunity to investigate what really captivates them.

Enhancing the learning experience, the primary school pupils not only explored their chosen subjects, but combined them with self-made 3D objects. So whether it was making a skating rink or a miniature cat out of tissues, or designing their own Spartan helmet, the 3D element added a layer of creativity that allowed the pupils to visually illustrate their presentation in an original way.

While the trip was exciting, it was not without its pitfalls. The students struggled doggedly with their personal organisation as they hesitated to choose a research direction. In addition, language difficulties were a challenge, forcing them to reduce their research to a manageable scope. However, in overcoming these obstacles they developed resilience and critical thinking skills.

By allowing primary pupils to take charge of this part of their French language acquisition journey, we have seen the emergence not only of language skills, but also of resilient and creative thinkers. The integration of 3D objects has added a layer of excitement and hands-on learning that has outweighed any obstacles that may have arisen. These invaluable opportunities have transformed these young minds into confident communicators, showing them a possible path for future learning.


By Claire L.