The PYP3 class embarked on an outdoor adventure on October 3rd that revolved around the “communication” aspect of our unit of inquiry. The students worked together to complete a scavenger hunt around the Cayac priory surrounding parks. This task required that they organize themselves and practice good communication skills, like active listening, taking turns and sharing their ideas clearly. Both class teachers accompanied the students on the outing and used an application called Terra Aventura to guide the students through the activity in both English and French. As students discovered clues, they had to answer riddles and use a map to find their way around the area.

Our first unit of inquiry has been focused on conflict and communication. Specifically, we’ve looked at peaceful problem-solving strategies and how they can be used to resolve everyday conflicts. This outing was a great opportunity to practice these skills in a real-life situation. One of the goals of the unit is for students to be able to apply what they’ve learned in class to live and work together more peacefully.

The discovery of clues was interspersed with more organic finds and collections, such as chestnuts, gingko biloba, fragrant liquidambars and other treasures from the area around Cayac priory. Once the clues had been found, the pupils were able to pick up their route badges and were very proud of their adventure in the footsteps of Compostela.
Later, we used the objects collected during our outing to create ephemeral land art sculptures. We also took advantage of the beautiful weather and stopped to observe our surroundings. Students took the time to do a sketch of one of the scenes from our adventure. In this way, we were able to connect our field trip to our annual “How We Express Ourselves” unit, which is about artistic thinking.
Vivre et travailler ensemble en paix : Renforcement d’équipe en PYP3.

By Misti A.