This thought-provoking question was the central focus for music class in this first term of the year.

In all levels of the primary school, we explored how different music can produce different emotions within the listener. Students had to listen to a selection of pieces and illustrate, describe or even act out the way that they felt while listening. 

We discovered that there is a universal reaction to certain sounds while others created completely different reactions amongst the students. This showed us just how powerful music can be!

Students also got to show off their singing skills with a variety of different songs linked to the unit of inquiry they were studying in class. CE1, for example, was working on well-being, so we learned several songs about the body and food. Don’t be fooled if your student asks you if you like broccoli ice cream!

CP students are experts on the solar system thanks to the “Eight Planets” song as well as the planet rap from StoryBots.

En CM1 nous avons adopté une approche différente et discuté de ce que signifie être un champion. Nous avons analysé les paroles de la chanson “The Champion” de Carrie Underwood ft. Ludacris et avons appris que chacun peut être un leader à sa manière.

Nous avons hâte de préparer notre concert de d’hiver !


In CM1, we took a approach and discussed what it means to be a champion. We analyzed the lyrics to “The Champion” by Carrie Underwood ft. Ludacris and learned that everyone can be a leader in their own special way.


We look forward to preparing our winter concert in the next term of the year!

By Nicole S.