In September and October 2023, during our first language acquisition MYP2&3 unit, we
explored the question, “How can I connect with others?“. We completed our coursework by
writing real letters to new penpals from Snowland Ranag Light Of Education School in
Kathmandu, Nepal.
The way we connect with others often depends on context and sometimes we need to adapt
our message to demonstrate our identities and relationships.
We studied the importance of
friendship that overarches our local communities as well as it may reach friends living in
other parts of the world. We studied diligently to acquire the necessary vocabulary and
linguistic skills. The question of how to safely and positively use social media (to maintain
friendships) was also explored.
penpals. The latter were chosen, based on their age group, from the student community of
Snowland Ranag Light Of Education School.
children to this school, run by Buddhist monks in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal, hoping to give
them a better life. For about ten or more years the children do not see their parents nor speak to
them (as the latter live in villages without electricity and other modern technologies).
The English letters were taken to Kathmandu by my mother in-law Marie Solange Bétant, who is
a member of the AMTM (Assistance Médicale Toit du Monde) organisation, visiting the
Himalayas twice a year. Our new Nepalese pen pals were immensely happy to receive our
messages, and were eager to respond. They posted the letters at the end of November. In the
hope of establishing lasting friendships, we can’t wait to read them!
By Angela B.