A scientist is someone who gathers and uses research and evidence, to make a hypothesis. They perform experiments to gain and share knowledge and understanding. 

They are inquisitive and knowledgeable. They observe, ask questions and gather information. In 2nde, we discussed the eye and vision. What does 20/20 vision mean ? How can we test our vision ? How can we improve our vision ? The students became optometrist for the day and researched different eye defects and how to fix them. We learned the form and function of the eye and compared it to those of other animals. Did you know that a hawk can see approximately 8 times better than a human ?

Scientists create a hypothesis that describes their observations and they make a prediction. They take risks, they make mistakes, and they adapt.

In the DP program, we have been learning about ecology and classification of biodiversity. The students researched and created a mesocosm. An enclosed environment that allows a small part of a natural environment to be observed under controlled conditions. We visited the Natural history museum and spent time counting the ant population using quadrats.

Scientists are well organized and communicate efficiently. They analyze the data drawn from the tests and modify, accept or reject the original hypothesis. Finally, they share their knowledge, understanding, and ideas with the scientific community and with people from around the world. Throughout the period the students have presented their findings with powerpoints, discussions and debates.

Well done futur scientists !