Being happy to reach one's full potential

Working at one's own pace

At IS 33 in Bordeaux, the elementary section is divided into five classes for the French part, one for each grade, from first till fifth grade. Additional French classes are offered to students who have no or a very basic understanding of this language. Even without prior knowledge of French, students adapt very easily and are very happy at IS 33.

For the English part, students are divided according to their level. They are either in the native English class or in the English as a second language class. Within each class, the teaching is adapted to the child’s pace, and the teaching is therefore differentiated according to the progress of each one.

For language options such as Spanish and Chinese, students are also divided according to their level.

Rhythm of the day

Between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. alternating French and English

Class begins at 8:30am and ends at 4:00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Children start two mornings a week in the French class, two mornings in the English class. They study language, mathematics, as well as history, geography, and science in both languages.

After lunch, children switch classrooms to study in the other language. Optional courses take place on Wednesday mornings.

Spanish, German, and Chinese classes take place at a designated time during the school day.

After classes, students can stay in childcare, get help with homework, or participate in extracurricular activities: theater, hip-hop, musical comedy, piano, guitar, violin, programming, and tennis.

In the middle of each half-day, there is a collective gathering on the circle. It is an opportunity to practice public speaking, learn to listen, participate in a common lesson, sing together, or recite a poem. Then the children share a small snack. Each week a student is in charge of their class’s snack. They distribute what they have brought to their classmates themselves. This sharing moment is also an opportunity to remind them of politeness rules.

Students will then enjoy the school garden for a recess period.

Once a week, children have sports, art, and music classes. The child is therefore educated in their entirety: well in their body, well in their head, well in their environment, well with others.

Students also take care of the school’s animals. They learn to pay attention to them, a responsibility that helps them grow well while enjoying it very much.

For lunch, students have the choice between lunchboxes prepared beforehand at home, or meals delivered daily by a catering company.